Listen: Holidays and Holy Days


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September 10, 2024|ז' אלול ה' אלפים תשפ"ד Your Future Self: Thinking About Tomorrow While Living Today Episode

September 3, 2024|ל' אב ה' אלפים תשפ"ד Setting Ourselves Up For the Elul We Need Episode

August 13, 2024|ט' אב ה' אלפים תשפ"ד A Nation in Tears: Remarks Before Eicha Episode

July 27, 2023|ט' אב ה' אלפים תשפ"ג Sit Down and Grow Up: Introduction to Eicha and Eicha 5783 Episode

August 7, 2022|י' אב ה' אלפים תשפ"ב Never Invisible: A Tisha B'Av Message Episode

July 18, 2022|י"ט תמוז ה' אלפים תשפ"ב Going from Hypercritical to Hypercomplimentary (17 Tammuz) Episode

February 1, 2022|ל' שבט ה' אלפים תשפ"ב Rosh Chodesh, Leap Year and Kaparas Pasha Episode

July 17, 2021|ח' אב ה' אלפים תשפ"א From Crying to Caring - Be the Reason Moshiach Comes Episode

June 27, 2021|י"ז תמוז ה' אלפים תשפ"א Avoiding Machlokes: The Recipe for Rebuilding Episode

April 28, 2021|ט"ז אייר ה' אלפים תשפ"א Doubling Down, Never Giving Up: Lag Ba'Omer Lessons Episode

March 15, 2021|ב' ניסן ה' אלפים תשפ"א Living Lives of Kiddush Hashem - Why He Took Us Out to Begin With Episode

December 14, 2020|כ"ח כסלו ה' אלפים תשפ"א Chanukah: The Holiday of Torah She'b'al Peh Episode

September 15, 2020|כ"ו אלול ה' אלפים תש"פ Binding Ourselves to Rosh Hashana: 3 Akeidah Lessons for This Year Episode

September 13, 2020|כ"ד אלול ה' אלפים תש"פ Pre-Selichos 2020: From Rest to Restless Episode

September 7, 2020|י"ח אלול ה' אלפים תש"פ Silly Superstition or Real Omens: Eating Simanim on Rosh Hashana Episode

September 3, 2020|י"ד אלול ה' אלפים תש"פ The War of Art: Break Through Your Resistance Episode

July 22, 2020|א' אב ה' אלפים תש"פ Loving Those We Don't Like: The Key to Redemption Episode

July 20, 2020|כ"ח תמוז ה' אלפים תש"פ In Ruins or Redemption: Is Nachem Still Accurate? Episode

May 28, 2020|ה' סיון ה' אלפים תש"פ The Case of the Missing Torah: What is Shavuos Really About? Episode

May 26, 2020|ג' סיון ה' אלפים תש"פ 10 Commandments: Significant or Just a Sample? Episode

May 25, 2020|ב' סיון ה' אלפים תש"פ Agenda Based Unity or Unity Based Unity? Getting Ready to Stand at the Mountain Together Episode

May 5, 2020|י"א אייר ה' אלפים תש"פ Everything You Need to Know about Hot Food on Shabbos (Part 1) Episode

April 14, 2020|כ' ניסן ה' אלפים תש"פ Time Awareness & Personal Growth, One Step at a Time – Sefiras Ha’Omer Episode

April 7, 2020|י"ג ניסן ה' אלפים תש"פ A Practical Guide to Leading a Seder: Insights, Ideas and Inspiration Episode

April 6, 2020|י"ב ניסן ה' אלפים תש"פ Heseibah: Leaning on Hashem at the Seder and Always Episode

April 5, 2020|י"א ניסן ה' אלפים תש"פ Seeing the Glass as Half Full – Virtual Shabbos HaGadol Derasha 2020 Episode

April 1, 2020|ז' ניסן ה' אלפים תש"פ Hagaddah Insight: Go From Slavery to Freedom Episode

March 27, 2020|ב' ניסן ה' אלפים תש"פ Layl Shimurim: Turning to Hashem for Protection from Physical and Invisible Enemies Episode

March 25, 2020|כ"ט אדר ה' אלפים תש"פ Living With Seder When Nothing Feels B’Seder: Freedom Through Discipline Episode

March 18, 2020|כ"ב אדר ה' אלפים תש"פ Making Pesach Made Easy: A Simple Guide in a Complicated Year Episode

October 17, 2019|י"ח תשרי ה' אלפים תש"פ What are the Things You Could Do Without? The Lesson of Sukkos Episode

October 17, 2019|י"ח תשרי ה' אלפים תש"פ A Stolen Sukkah’s Lesson for Those Sitting in a Kosher Sukkah Episode

September 26, 2019|כ"ו אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ט Banim or Avadim? What is the Paradigm of Your Relationship with Hashem? Episode

September 24, 2019|כ"ד אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ט Stop Trying to Be Someone Else: A Guide to Being You Episode

September 22, 2019|כ"ב אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ט Pre-Selichos Inspiration: There is No Point in Knocking if Nobody is Home Episode

September 19, 2019|י"ט אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ט Practical Halachos of Preparing and Cooking on Yom Tov Episode

September 18, 2019|י"ח אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ט Are We Bribing or Buying Off God? Why Should Giving Tzedaka Earn a Good Judgement? Episode

August 11, 2019|י' אב ה' אלפים תשע"ט Knowing What is Worth Crying Over and What Isn’t: What We Cry For This Tisha B’Av Episode

July 22, 2019|י"ט תמוז ה' אלפים תשע"ט Retracing Our Steps to Get Home: The Three Weeks Challenge Episode

May 21, 2019|ט"ז אייר ה' אלפים תשע"ט Were the Luchos Round or Square on Top? Lessons from the Divine Design of the Miraculous Tablets Episode

May 1, 2019|כ"ו ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ט After Pesach, We Don’t Slow Down, We Ramp Up: Why We Don’t Say Shehechiyanu on Counting Sefira Episode

April 10, 2019|ה' ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ט Is it Chol or Moed: Wearing Tefillin on Chol Ha’Moed Episode

April 9, 2019|ד' ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ט Anti-Semitism at the Seder: Remembering the Threat and Developing a Response Episode

April 9, 2019|ד' ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ט “Stealing” The Afikomen: Origin and Customs Episode

March 29, 2019|כ"ב אדר ב' ה' אלפים תשע"ט Preparing for Pesach, Not Spring Cleaning: A Guide to Getting Ready in a Few Hours Episode

March 13, 2019|ו' אדר ב' ה' אלפים תשע"ט Is There a Mitzvah to Drink on Purim and if So, Why? Episode

March 13, 2019|ו' אדר ב' ה' אלפים תשע"ט Purim and Yom Ki’Purim: Two Sides of the Same Coin Episode

January 10, 2019|ד' שבט ה' אלפים תשע"ט Happy New Year? Using and Celebrating the Secular Calendar in Halacha and Hashkafa Episode

December 12, 2018|ד' טבת ה' אלפים תשע"ט Is the Mitzvah to Light or to Make Sure the Menorah is Lit? Episode

December 12, 2018|ד' טבת ה' אלפים תשע"ט Why You Need Shabbos More Than Ever Episode

December 12, 2018|ד' טבת ה' אלפים תשע"ט Zos Chanuka: Taking Advantage of the Brightest Light Episode

December 12, 2018|ד' טבת ה' אלפים תשע"ט Mikeitz, Chanuka & Grandparenting: The Only Habit We Should Ever Have is Never Doing Things Out of Habit Episode

September 5, 2018|כ"ה אלול ה' אלפים תשע"ח Remarks before Selichos: Don’t Regret Not Speaking to the King Episode

July 23, 2018|י"א אב ה' אלפים תשע"ח Moshiach Was Born on Tisha B’Av, But We Still Need to Bring Him: Transitioning from Tisha B’Av to Nachamu Episode

July 23, 2018|י"א אב ה' אלפים תשע"ח Does the Way We Treat our Mikdash M’at Make Us Worthy of the Real Mikdash? Taking Stock on Tisha B’Av Episode

April 24, 2018|ט' אייר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Yom Hashoah Speech- 2018 Episode

April 16, 2018|א' אייר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Va’eira: We Are Living Through the 5th Language of Geula Episode

April 16, 2018|א' אייר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Va’eira: The Story of Taking the Jews Out of Egypt and Egypt Out of the Jews Episode

April 16, 2018|א' אייר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Tzav: There is No Holiness Without Preparation Episode

April 16, 2018|א' אייר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Tzav & Haggadah: The Holiness of Taking out the Garbage Episode

April 16, 2018|א' אייר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Tzav and the Seder: You Can’t Outsource Gratitude Episode

April 12, 2018|כ"ז ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ח Ki Sisa & Purim: I’ll Drink to That Episode

April 12, 2018|כ"ז ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ח Ki Sisa and Purim: The Virtue of Being a Stubborn Jew Episode

April 11, 2018|כ"ו ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ח Bo: Layl Shimurim – One Enchanted Evening Episode

March 29, 2018|י"ג ניסן ה' אלפים תשע"ח Hagaddah Night: An Evening of Unity & Learning Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Shavuos: A Prerequisite to Torah is Becoming a Desert Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Yom Hashoah Program 2013 Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Sefiras Ha’Omer: 1 Mitzvah with 49 Parts, or 49 Mitzvos with 1 Theme? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pre-Selichos Inspiration Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Rosh Hashana: You’re Invited to the Inaugural Ball of the King of Kings Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pray Like You Mean It: Finding Meaning in Selichos Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Yom Kippur Pales in Comparison to Purim: Four Approaches Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Purim: Mordechai – Our Model of an Unapologetic, Proud Jew Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Do Friends Let Friends Get Drunk on Purim? Purim Drinking in Halacha and Hashkafa Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח The Case of the Missing Mesechta: Where is Tractate Chanuka? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Chanukah Can Light Our Spark and Set Us on Fire Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Hallel on Pesach Night: To Stay or to Go? Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesach Made Easy…Or at Least Easier Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pesach Preparation, NOT Spring Cleaning: Getting Your Home Ready in Just a Few Hours Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pre-Pesach Workshop 2 Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Pre-Pesach Workshop 1 Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Clean and Kasher in Under One Day: Pesach Made Easy Episode

March 5, 2018|י"ח אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ח Arvei Pesachim: Daled Kosos Episode